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Death Be Not Proud (DVD) 1975 Robby Benson, Arthur Hill and Jane Alexander

Sale price $19.99 Regular price $23.75

Death Be Not Proud 1975 DVD (Region 1 - Playable in North America - The US, Canada, Mexico, etc.) Color.  

Starring: Arthur Hill, Jane Alexander, Robby Benson.

Based on the book by famed author John Gunther about the life and early death of his teenage son Johnny, who died from a brain tumor.

A private memoir about a father who was a public figure is the origin of Death Be Not Proud. John Gunther, noted author and war correspondent, wrote this at first to be distributed privately among relatives and friends. Someone persuaded him to let it go public. The various biographies and geographical treatises he's done have never had the enduring value that this tale of his terminally ill son, namesake, and only child. Arthur Hill, Jane Alexander, and Robby Benson play parents and child and it's a trio that is absolutely flawless in their performances.